Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Starfleet Icari System Patrol
42 Expertise icon

In Icari System Patrol the player's vessel is asked to investigate some asteroids of unknown composition by the Icari System's inhabitants.

Synopsis[ | ]

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Outline[ | ]

Mission Text[ | ]

<rank>, we are in need of your help.

Planetary sensors have detected asteroids of an unknown substance in our orbit. We believe they drifted here from another system.

We do not have the resources required to identify or deal with the asteroids, and we are concerned that their orbit will deteriorate and they could fall to the surface. Would you please study the asteroids and determine their origin and if there is any threat to us?

Goal[ | ]

Scan the debris in orbit.

Objectives[ | ]

  • Secure Icari System
    • Investigate the Debris
      • Find and Scan Debris
      • Continue Scanning (2)
      • Collect More Data (2)
    • Depart System

NPCs[ | ]

Allies[ | ]

  • Icarian Councilor

Enemies[ | ]


NPC starships[ | ]

Allies[ | ]


Enemies[ | ]



There are no accolades specific to this mission.


For a walkthrough of this mission, visit the Walkthrough page.